Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Almost 3!!

Photos are more fun, so those first, then the more boring update by text below...
Cousin Klara and Aunt Katie visit- a fun time for sure!  Elliot had trouble sharing and maintaining Klara's personal space, and the photo below kinda encapsulates that...

Storytime with Dad and baby Klara.

Our close friends, Claire, Martin, and Diane left to move back to France a few weeks ago.  We were heartbroken to see them off.  This was the final, heavily coerced hug.  Every once in a while, Elliot will say that he misses Diane- we certainly do too!

I am not sure when or where these were taken, but they were on Pat's phone...

Ok, now I've slipped into that expected, "Oh you're not really going to keep up with his blog once he's not an infant" mode... geesh, nothing since Easter?  And we haven't been clicking the photos nearly as often either...

Let's see what's happened lately--

- We had our first ER trip- Elliot prolapsed his rectum.  Yeah.  Yuck.  He was a complete trooper, barely winced or cried the entire 4 hours there.  Mind you, the brand spanking new Children's Hospital is brilliantly designed and very comfortable.  They x-rayed, said he was very backed up, and did an enema-- Elliot didn't even flinch.  Crazy.  Explicit instructions to change his eating habits and testing for some diseases that show this as a sign, as well as 30 days on softners/laxatives, with follow ups with a few doctors.  He is cognizant enough of things that he lets us point out the new foods on his list and even though there are still battles, he is eating more foods and much more of a variety.  We also were strictly instructed to bail on all potty training efforts, so we're back in diapers to poop.  No problem, we'll get there later.

- Elliot's vocabulary has expanded quite a bit lately.  The other day he said to me, "Actually, mommy, three timeouts," with three fingers held up, when I incorrectly told Pat that he had had two timeouts for not listening.

- We've done lots of trips to the farm to see Grandpa Ulrich over the past several months.  Out of the blue, the other night, after his other grandpa had called, he asked, "Is Grandpa back at the farm to live?"  When I said no, he went on to get a little sad, ask why, how did he hurt his head, and go through all the details again.  He likes to visit Grandpa and does very well with the other residents at the nursing home.  It's super cool when this one lady comes up, who does not talk much at all, and always takes his hand and kisses it.  She's 103 years old.  They have 100 years between them.  It's so neat to see.

- Bike riding is a favorite activity.  We figured he rode 2 1/2 miles the one time-- to the lake and almost all the way back.  We kept thinking he'd hit a wall and sure enough, not that far from home, he just stopped and said, "Mommy, carry me."

- The struggles with stubbornness are ongoing.  He pushes every button and then some.  Finds the line and puts his big toe over.  The other day at Dunkin Donuts, he kept opening and closing this glass door.  I told him not to touch it again with his hands.  He reaches down, puts his shirt around his hand, and uses the shirt-covered hand to open it again, all while looking up at me for my reaction.  Cheeky monkey.

- We caught Dreamtree Shakers again tonight.  When I mentioned to Elliot we were going, he immediately got all giddy and could hardly contain himself.  It was pretty darn cute.  Such a groupie- right up front, starring in awe.

- We dug out my *25 year old* trumpet a few days ago after Elliot loved all the instruments in the 4th of July parade.  He can buzz his lips and manages to get a pretty good sound out-- impressive!

- Oh the parade-- Elliot thought it was awesome!  He kept speaking of the festival as if it were only a bouncy thing, and low-and-behold, there was a big bouncy thing.  He was too hungry and too tired, and the minute he started losing his balance and other kids bumped him, he'd scream at them and start kicking.  We promptly left with the screaming, kicking toddler in hand.

- He's very into counting on his fingers and figuring out how much 5 fingers on one hand is with 2 fingers on the other hand- he seems fascinated that this is seven and not two.

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