We're busy here, normal day to day stuff.
We finally hosted a poker game Saturday, and we had 3 infants here-- Elliot, Avery, and a newcomer, Diane who is 5 months old. And Nancy and Micah brought Leroi, their dog, so we all had obligations! Elliot and Leroi are quite the buds-- they love each other and play so well together. Last Tuesday, I went up to their place and both of them napped at the same time, after wearing each other out playing (Elliot laughs out loud at Leroi catching his ball). I need to get some good photos of them together.
We met Claire and Martin (parents of Diane), who are here from France at the university, during our research for day cares and hit it off quite well. They only live 2 blocks away, so I anticipate many playtimes together as the kids grow. And, we actually did get some good cards going. It felt good to socialize with friends like that.
Well, I guess our day to day will be changing-- I talked with my principal at school recently and I'll be returning to work in about 2 months. He was very supportive and the anxiety of leaving Elliot is turning into excitement about getting back into the classroom! There were many factors that led to this decision, none of which are very thrilling to read about or are able to sufficiently be detailed here. As much as I am loving being at home with Elliot, my draw to the classroom has not disappeared, and after working for about 2 1/2 months, I will be back home with him for the summer months.
Thus, the day to day here has included tons of research and interviews for day care for Elliot during those few months! Even though my motherly instinct is in overdrive knowing this is on the horizon, I feel extremely fortunate and privileged to know that I will have been home with him daily for the first 8+ months; not many moms get this option. We also figured out that he will only be in someone else's care about 9a-3p, with how we can tweak our schedules, making it much more palatable. We are lucky to have a few people left on our final list, knowing that we have more than one option that would satisfy our needs.
I guess that is a lot of news to post. It's been discussed here in this household for some time now, in so much depth, that it seems normal news to me by now.
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