(Major hat head, how 'bout it!?)

We watched Avery on Saturday while Dave and Jen went out for Dave's birthday. I got the look of contempt while Pat was the one who she favored, as you can see from their nap together. It was a fun time, getting the kids together. Avery has the best, full-face smile-- even her eyes turn into crescents. Elliot kept reaching for her, oblivious to any anxiety she was having with mom and dad gone.
Elliot's napping was off today after I made him stir by trying to cut his toenails while he napped. I am not a fan of this new phase where he is somewhat easily woken and then does not go back down. Definitely not a fan. We used to change his clothes, move him from here to there, run the vacuum, you name it. Not any more! The other night, I nursed him and he conked out, and then I realized that I had not changed him into his sleeper. Thinking I could swing this with a little finesse, I attempted a sleepy sleeper change, and was not successful. I spent the next 45 minutes rocking a limp, whining, exhausted little boy. Everything told me he was asleep on my shoulder, save for the tiny foot that kept rubbing against my belly, or he'd switch it to be his little fingertips brushing my arm gently. Just enough to say, Nope, you haven't won yet.
Tonight, because of him missing his morning nap due to the hygiene attempt, he was off all day. Little naps here and there, nothing great. He casually grunted and moaned in protest through most of our walk to the lake. He nursed extra (seemed like every hour?!) this evening, and at 7:10pm, he fell deep asleep on my shoulder with no burping. Really? To bed by then? Eh, not really, as that was just another power nap for the day! At 8:30, he was back up and did the whole "Let's be goofy to not fall asleep" stuff. Finally, it's about 10:30 and he's back in bed.
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