It's hard to keep up with this now since work started up again. Elliot's walking more, but it depends on the day. He's done probably 10 or so steps consecutively, about 6-8'. He started to stand up and take 2 steps or so to get a toy that is close, so he definitely knows it will be a good mode of transportation eventually. Some days, however, he's extra wobbly and doesn't try much, reaching for our hands often.
He's stopped eating bananas again. I made some zucchini bread today that completely flopped (turned out to be a brick of dough) and he loved it-- go figure. His side front top teeth are through and he has a molar through.

Reading books is an activity multiple times a day now. Sometimes same book, over and over. We don't mind, and it's so great to see him get all giddy/excited after he hands us the book and wants up on our lap as I mentioned in a previous post.

To be posted next: video of some walking. I guess cousin Thomas said to my sister when they heard Elliot was walking, "Ok, so where's the video of that?"
He now knows when I tell him it's bathtime and crawls very excitedly to the bathtub. One time the door was closed, and the disappointment was amazing. Tears, sobs, big pouty lower lip.
We frequent certain playgrounds now, and there is rarely a time where we stroller him past a playground and he doesn't cry, wanting to get out and play. Pat told me he was going down the slide head first and loving it-- I didn't want to hear any more.
His favorite thing to do now is to crawl inside the toy bins/baskets, full of toys, and sit. Or dump all the toys out and sit. The other day, he dumped all the toys out, pushed the basket over to the filing cabinet where he wanted to reach something, flipped the basket over, and used it as a stool. Clever little guy, but I had to reprimand him for safety reasons.
Reading books is an activity multiple times a day now. Sometimes same book, over and over. We don't mind, and it's so great to see him get all giddy/excited after he hands us the book and wants up on our lap as I mentioned in a previous post.
Pat ran the 1/2 marathon last week so we got up early and caught him at the 51st Street bridge. Matt Kern, a friend, was in from Portland and he was loyal enough to join us. Matt and Elliot had some excellent playtimes. I'm not sure who was more enthralled with the magnetic fridge toy that says the letters-- Matt or Elliot.
Despite this look of "Why am I out here at 7:30am?" Elliot was a trooper and seemed to be mesmerized by the runners going by (and by the blaring music...).
(That's Pat there in the navy blue.)
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