Our good friend Diane had her first birthday party, along with their neighbor, Paul, last weekend (a bit past the actual birthday, but that's when it worked out...). Their apartment complex has a great space out back with lots of community toys and a kiddie slide so the kids all had fun. Elliot was a little sappy, and I'm realizing I need to just expect that at big gatherings, instead of always saying, "Man, he's so out of sorts, I don't know what the story is." I do: he doesn't do well in big gatherings where he's not familiar with things. Oh well. We can say it's lack of socialization, or we can just say he's a toddler/1 yo. But we have been making more of a point of taking him to the parks that have other kids his age playing. Or, better, let's just blame it on teeth.
Just love the bath times!
He picked up a cold this week and had a few rough nights with crying but not staying up beyond making his discomfort known. Poor thing. And for a while, he had shortened his sleeping but now he's lengthened it, getting 12-13 hours at night of good sleep. Maybe a nice growth spurt is happening? I think he seems pudgier and has redeveloped his little frog belly. Hey, maybe I can really hope he'll outgrow his size 9-month pants?!
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