Thursday, December 17, 2009


On Monday, Pat had his office Christmas party. We took Elliot for a moment for show and tell, and then our former neighbor, Candace, had agreed to watch him for the rest of the evening. I was pretty uptight having him at the gathering, as I could just see him spitting up on Pat's boss or worse, seeing that he had refrained from blessing me with a full diaper all day long. However, everyone seemed to like seeing him. He was a touch overwhelmed, but did well. I, then, relaxed and enjoyed myself once he was at Candace's, as then I knew she was there to take care of him, would give him all of her attention, and he could do whatever he liked without making too much of a disaster of the evening. A successful babysitter evening! Candace rocks.

And, Dave and Jen have graciously offered to watch him on Saturday as we go out to dinner for our 10th anniversary. These moments are few and fun, but we find that we miss him quite a bit! He is a great way to celebrate our 10 years of marriage, that's for sure.

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